
„MEncoder is a free command line video decoding, encoding and filtering tool released under the GNU General Public License. It is a close sibling to MPlayer and can convert all the formats that MPlayer understands into a variety of compressed and uncompressed formats using different codecs.“

MEncoder. (2008, February 23). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 18:57, April 5, 2008, from

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Thursday, July 31, 2008

Re: [MEncoder-users] Convert to PSP compatible MP4: Rescaling

oh, it works! Great Thanks to you!

James Hastings-Trew wrote:
> Shuang Wu wrote:
>> *James Hastings-Trew* wrote:
>>> Unless I am horribly wrong here (under the influence of cold medicine)
>>> you'll need to actually calculate the scale yourself rather than rely on
>>> the -10:272 trick. Then you'll need to put a dsize command in your
>>> filter chain to set the PAR.
>>> -vf pullup,softskip,scale=xxx:yyy,dsize=xxx:yyy,harddup,unsharp=l3×3:0.7
>>> That should fix that problem for you... but that might be the codiene
>>> talking.
>> Thanks for your advise. But it's still not work...
>> And I found if I specify
>> -vf pullup,softskip,scale=xxx:yyy,dsize=xxx:yyy,harddup,unsharp=l3×3:0.7
>> where xxx is more than 400 pixels, e.g. 416:272, the recaling would be
>> done without any problem,
>> but otherwise, it would definately fail, such as 320:240. I also tried
>> dsize=xxx:yyy:2
>> and the '-aspect' instruction
>> -aspect xxx:yyy
>> It was not work either.
> The PSP is definitely weird when it comes to the format of the video
> it's going to be happy with. From my information, max width is 480, max
> height is 272, max video bitrate is 768, and max audio bit rate is 128
> aac. I've encoded lots of videos to PSP format, and mine have always
> worked aspect ratio - wise. Looking through my code, I found that I was
> also expanding the video to make it the right size:
> -vf
> pullup,softskip,scale=xxx:yyy,harddup,unsharp=l3×3:0.7,expand=480:272,dsize=480:272
> That'll sort of letterbox or pillarbox the video and it'll always
> display on the PSP at the right aspect ratio. Maybe that'll work for you.
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